Main Excursions

  • Tour of Monviso.
  • Tour du Pain du Sucre.
  • Via Alpina.
  • GTA (Great Crossing of the Alps).
  • Walks and excursions around the refuge and around the lake where sport fishing is also allowed.
  • Mtb tour (for experts). The use of E-Bikes is recommended.

Climbing on:

  • Crag equipped with about thirty single pitches from 5A to 7B +.
  • Mountaineering routes on the surrounding peaks.
  • Boulder area.


  • Mount Granero: 3171 mt.
  • Mount Manzol: 2933 mt.
  • Mount Meidassa: 3105 mt.


  • Long lake.
  • Colle Manzol.
  • Colle Seilliere.
  • Colle Seillierino.
  • Colle Luisas.
  • Colle Vittona.
  • Conca del Pra.

Nearby huts:

  • Jervis Hut.
  • Barbara Hut.
  • Barant Hut.
  • Giacoletti Hut.
  • Pian del Re.
  • Mont Viso Hut (France)
  • Vallanta Hut.
  • Quintino Sella Hut.

Il rifugio è di proprietà del C.A.I.